Into August of 2021, Coronavirus has become a very serious global health problem. Even with the supply of vaccines, the virus seems to keep having variants and caught us off guard. However, life goes on. All businesses in the world must adapt to a new way of working pattern during this pandemic. Especially, factory workers play an important and essential role in the production of goods needed by society. Protecting them is essential to maintain the stability of factory productivity. Although Taiwan is relatively safe and has fewer cases comparing with many other countries, we still cannot be too relaxed and complacent about the risk of contracting the coronavirus.

To ensure our employees are safe while working, we regularly have our working area disinfected. Before entering the working area, everyone must have their body temperature and both hands disinfected with 75% alcohol at the entrance. The employees are requested to wear masks all the time and have their hands wash frequently to reduce the possibility of spreading any disease.

Additionally, we often have guests - couriers and suppliers to deliver materials to the factory. We not only asked them to do body temperature scanning and disinfected their hands, but we will also tell them to do the real-name registration via text message. This is a government protocol to upload your location code attached at the gate of basically everywhere you go via text message. So that if someone has been exposed to the infected cases, it's fast and scientific to locate the possible case and notify them.
We will continue doing our own protection and keep producing the best quality products. We want our employees to feel confident and safe working here, and our quality won't be sacrificed.